Tuesday, April 6, 2021

MHA Movie 3

 People who know me are aware of my big love for animation, specifically being ones created from the original source material called Manga. This is very much exciting news as I had the pleasure of seeing the first two movies in the Cinema which were in 2019 and 2020. I can say it was one of the best cinematic experiences I have had watching an animated movie. the Best being The Dragonball Super Broly Movie which I must say had breathtaking animation and is rightfully in 1st place then followed by the second My Hero Academia (MHA) movie called heroes rising, then third has to be a movie called Your Name which was not action based like the other movies mentioned however was visually beautiful to watch on the big screen even if most people were all in tears at the end. 

Back to MHA, season 5 has just starting airing so news of this movie coming out in japan around August has got a lot of people within the community excited, excited to see how or if this 3rd movie will be better than the 2nd. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Snyder cut

After 4 long years of requests and demands by a spoilt fanbase we finally have the Remake of the justice league movie by Zack Snyder as it was originally intended. bearing in mind that i started this movie at 9 with 3/4 of my friends (the fourth dropped out after almost 2 hours into a 4 hour movie) it was a pleasant movie. I can't help but wonder that this would have been a sensational release in the cinemas but of course sue to covid its not possible. that still does not take away from the fact that this movie was in my opinion well worth the wait. even though it was a similar story line to the 2017 justice league it explained things much better in the second release whilst also delving deeper into the origin and backgrounds of Cyborg and the flash. both of whom had close to no screen time in the first release but made amends in the second. you could really appreciate the details that were put into the movie like showing others justice league characters(i will not say for spoiler reasons) as well as adding Darksied to the movie which was pleasant. overall it was a long movie but had phenomenal music created by Junkie XL and amazing scenes such as the flash showcasing his true powers. I would give this movie a solid unbiased 8.5 out of 10 but if i was being biased I'd have given it a 9.1 (always a been a justice league fan from when i was 6, i am now 24 )

Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Understanding the need to to better one's education is an important step to growing up, the term ignorance is bliss is a phrase that is often used but rarely understood. in this context. we know that there are many issues at this moment in time so much so that it could be overwhelming with the amount of negativity that surrounds us in this online age. Some people may say that it doesn't involve them however when we live in a time where fraudulence, hypocrisy and stupidity are all but surely on the rise, we must ask ourselves are we doing enough to shed light on these situations. things regarding black lives matter, Asian lives matter, lgbtq rights, oppression and the most recent being a woman who didn't make it home due to abhorrence and inconceivable acts of evil done by a police officer will be exhausting for many. However, it is because there are so many things to fight for that makes it our obligation to create a better future for not only ourselves but for future generations to come. we only have one earth so we need to spend less time fighting each other's differences and ensure that no matter what race, gender, religion or sexuality a person is that they can feel safe in the planet we call home. 

When you see news regarding these kind of topics, remember to educate yourself as knowledge is the greatest tool at our disposal. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

the rain doesn't last forever

 as a big superhero geek, there are a lot of movies to be excited about this year. after having such a tough year last year I think I speak for most geeks when I say I look forward to films and tv shows that were pushed back due to covid being released this year as a reward for surviving 2020. 

this is the month that the long awaited snyder cut is coming out as a more complete version of justice league is coming out on hbo max. 

stranger things coming out at some point this year as well as a third spiderman movie which will be out in December this year. 

point being when all these things were pushed back last year it made things harder to be optimistic about however things are starting to look up. places are set to re-open in the summer, movies are coming back out and the vaccine is well and truly on its way.

the point I'm making is that there are always good times and bad times, its always easy to think the bad times are going to last forever but if you keep moving forward for a better tomorrow it will surely come.

#2weekstill #SnyderCut 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

lockdown lifted?


After yesterday's news about lockdown being lifted in June supposedly it made me think about the things that I originally had planned for the summer but now that I am in 3rd year I have to think about other engagements retrospectively. suddenly having had all the time in the world I now find myself with the question what am i going to do over a summer outside. I had been hoping to go back to Toulouse(the name of the city above) as i have not been back there in 3/4 years, once lockdown is lifted I believe a trip back "home" is well needed, nothing better than fresh bakery from the patisserie in Colomiers. 

so my question for you today is what do you plan on doing once lockdown is lifted?  

Monday, February 22, 2021

a year onwards

Spring is around the corner, which will almost mark a year since the world was put on stand by. as the sun is becoming more prominent I've been taking longer walks when going to buy my groceries. who'd have thought? definitely not me. i have been thinking about how we need to appreciate what we have, so today if you are seeing this put on a playlist you haven't listened to before and go for walk. 

MHA Movie 3

 People who know me are aware of my big love for animation, specifically being ones created from the original source material called Manga. ...