Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Understanding the need to to better one's education is an important step to growing up, the term ignorance is bliss is a phrase that is often used but rarely understood. in this context. we know that there are many issues at this moment in time so much so that it could be overwhelming with the amount of negativity that surrounds us in this online age. Some people may say that it doesn't involve them however when we live in a time where fraudulence, hypocrisy and stupidity are all but surely on the rise, we must ask ourselves are we doing enough to shed light on these situations. things regarding black lives matter, Asian lives matter, lgbtq rights, oppression and the most recent being a woman who didn't make it home due to abhorrence and inconceivable acts of evil done by a police officer will be exhausting for many. However, it is because there are so many things to fight for that makes it our obligation to create a better future for not only ourselves but for future generations to come. we only have one earth so we need to spend less time fighting each other's differences and ensure that no matter what race, gender, religion or sexuality a person is that they can feel safe in the planet we call home. 

When you see news regarding these kind of topics, remember to educate yourself as knowledge is the greatest tool at our disposal. 

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